Loupedeck liệu có phải là giải pháp mới giúp cho việc chỉnh sửa hình ảnh bằng Lightroom dễ dàng hơn?

Thảo luận trong 'Trình điều khiển máy in' bắt đầu bởi admin, 24/7/18.

Loupedeck liệu có phải là giải pháp mới giúp cho việc chỉnh sửa hình ảnh bằng Lightroom dễ dàng hơn?

by admin 24/7/18 6,068
  1. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Loupedeck là một dạng bảng điều khiển vật lý được thiết kế dành riêng cho công việc chỉnh sửa ảnh bằng phần mềm Adobe Lighroom. Mục đích của việc cho ra đời Loupedeck nhằm giúp người thiết kế có thể linh hoạt hơn, thực hiện công việc chỉnh sửa ảnh hàng loạt một cách nhanh hơn bằng cách đặt tất cả mọi thứ bạn cần trong tầm tay của bạn.
    Về ý tưởng thì đây không phải là một giải pháp mới dành cho việc thiết kế trên Lightroom bởi vì trước đó chúng ta đã biết cũng có một thiết bị có chức năng tương tự như vậy với khả năng tuỳ biến cao hơn là bộ điều khiển Palette GearCamera Tinh Tế đã từng trên tay hoặc có một app mã nguồn mở với tên MIDI2LR, nó có thể giúp chúng ta biến bất kỳ bảng điều khiển MIDI (MIDI controller) thành một bộ Palette Gear thực thụ. Việc ra đời sau giúp cho Loupedeck có thể khắc phục được các yếu điểm của những người đi trước như việc quản lý các modul phức tạp và số tiền dành đầu tư đủ số modul cho bộ Palette rất cao, không kinh tế cũng như việc đầu tư các bảng điều khiển MIDI đắt tiền...

    Về thiết kế bên ngoài Loupedeck có giao diện điều khiển rất trực quan, có thể thay thế cho chuột và bàn phím, khả năng tương thích tốt với tất cả các máy tính Apple hoặc PC bằng "Plug and Play". Loupedeck đưa lên toàn bộ các nút, núm vặn và các thanh trượt nằm trên một bảng điều khiển cố định nặng khoảng 1kg với kích thước các cạnh 200mm x 156mm và dày 32mm, tương tự với kích thước của các loại bàn phím rời cỡ vừa.

    Trên bề mặt Loupedeck, các cách sắp xếp giao diện điều khiển cũng rất trực quan, toàn bộ các nút, núm vặn hay các thanh trượt đều được gán bằng tên gọi theo các chức năng tương ứng trên Lightroom và được in thẳng lên bề mặt của sản phẩm. Ngoài ra còn có các tính năng đặc biệt được thiết kế để cải thiện quy trình làm việc: ví dụ như khi bạn nhấn vào các núm vặn thì nó sẽ reset các giá thị thiết lập đó về mặc định...

    Sơ đồ các phím chức năng cũng như các núm vặn và thanh trượt có trên Loupedeck:
    Hiện tại Loupedeck đang là một dự án đang kêu gọi đầu tư trên Indiegogo bởi một đội bao gồm 5 người đam mê công nghệ tại Helsinki, Phần Lan. Mục tiêu của nhóm là sẽ đưa sản phẩm Loupedeck ra mắt trên thị trường vào 09/2017 với giá khoảng 410 USD. Đối với những ai đóng góp trên Indiegogo thì chỉ cần bỏ ra số tiền tương đương 249 USD để có thể sở hữu một trong những sản phẩm đầu tiên khi nó được ra mắt, dự kiến vào tháng 6/2017.

    Trước mắt, Loupedeck chỉ có thể hoặt động được với phần mềm Adobe Lightroom mà thôi, hy vọng trong tương lai cho đến khi ra mắt, nhóm sẽ phát triển để cho nó thể tương thích rộng hơn với các phần mềm khác như Adobe Photoshop hoặc các phần mềm chỉnh sửa video riêng như Adobe Premiere...

    Theo Loupedeck

    1. Deloressmeby

      Deloressmeby New Member

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    2. PhilipAbern

      PhilipAbern Member

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    3. JamesAppor

      JamesAppor Member

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    4. Jamesacuct

      Jamesacuct New Member

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      Here and the heat of the steam and shame for their behavior and pleasant fatigue, and even ... began to feel a little excitement. Here I am naked, among two healthy, self-confident guys, lying naked and enjoying their skillful movements. After we went to the rest room, one of the guys with a girlfriend went outside, and I, feeling tired, lay down on the sofa.
      Curiosity got the better of me and Igor got out of bed and headed towards their room, the light was on from the bedroom, the door was slightly ajar, he carefully approached the door.
      check this out.. I have a legal vacation, I can afford an extra shot, and late bedding, and so on. We talked about everything and nothing in particular. The guest is already in home clothes: shorts, T-shirt, slates. Of course, it is all very beautiful and erotic, especially how it bends over. Only mosquitoes, bastards, do not understand any politeness and eat for nothing, not understanding who is the guest here and who is the host. So it was necessary in the dark, so as not to disturb the spouse, to look for something out of clothes and supply the guest. My tights and jacket fit just right. Not in size, but in size. And the growth is too big, so it does not matter. The trousers were rolled up, the sleeves rolled up and everything turned out okay.
      I made a small step to the side.
      Igor went to the bathroom, the door was half open, looking into which he saw her, Ksyusha took off her T-shirt, remaining in one bra, and pulled off her denim shorts, under which were her panties, she stood in one underwear, her skin seemed velvety and soft.
      "Get up."
      I leaned over to her, hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. Hearing an unexpectedly quiet groan and a quick stubbornness of something that instantly hardened and still unknown to me - everything swam in my head, I immediately switched and I felt under me not just my mother, but a beautiful futanari in the process of ovulation, thirsty for a female. So close, so real. So much love and harmony overwhelmed me at that moment. I lowered my head and looked into her eyes, which ran and switched either to me or to my lips, she continued to breathe unevenly, breathing warm feminine breath on me. I dug into her lips and began to knead and lick them, gradually sucking them. We began to suck so concretely, thin, cold saliva began to run down our chins, which is why my penis was already petrified.
      It was clear that Borov was seriously frightened and bluffing, saying that only a small part of the guard was in front of the robbers. But I didn't want to test it either. A few minutes later, Gorr led the slaves outside. They stood in front of the Hog, who looked at them attentively.
    5. Douglasblume

      Douglasblume Member

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      For individuals who admire the allure of luxury handbags but recoil at the hefty cost, replica purses present an appealing alternative. This write-up unravels the secrets of the imitation bag industry, highlighting its appeal to style enthusiasts and luxury admirers alike. From grasping what imitation handbags are to tips for making savvy purchases, we'll cover all you need to understand to enjoy in style without busting the budget.
      Replica bags are high-quality imitations resembling luxury purses, crafted to meticulously resemble the authentic versions. Although they may never bear the official label logo, these replicas typically mirror the style, fabric, and craftsmanship as their more costly counterparts.
      Quality plus Skill

      Opposite in common opinion, numerous fake handbags are being created with careful attention on detail. Skilled artisans use high-quality resources in order to ensure the fact that the replicas have the similar appearance as well as texture as the authentic designer products.

      Availability and Variety

      array. to.Ethical Considerations

      While knockoff purses offer an affordable way for experience high-end fashion, it is important to recognize acknowledge the implications. The and distribution of replica knockoff purses may infringe upon intellectual property, raising issues regarding the morality of owning buying and owning possessing them.Access to Luxury Designs

      Reasons Select Knockoff Bags?

      Knockoff purses have attracted a notable significant audience within fashion enthusiasts aficionados for several various compelling justifications. In this article, we discuss why such such chic alternatives have grown become so liked.


      One the most key obvious pros of fake bags is their. Premium replicas might offer the same equivalent aesthetic enjoyment as authentic genuine designer bags without incurring the exorbitant cost.

      Imitation bags enable it possible for style lovers toward appreciate those latest high-end creations, irrespective to budget restrictions. This availability permits additional people to participate in haute fashion and showcase one's style.Experimentation Without Commitment

      For those whom experiment with experimenting with various styles styles purses bags a way to try out various trends without without financial investment. This flexibility can be appealing for fashion-forward individuals that enjoy changing to switch up their looks.To recognize Spot the High-Quality Imitation Handbagplica bags.

      Navigating the imitation handbag industry can be challenging, but armed with proper right knowledge, you can easily execute wise buys. Here are some tips for spotting top-quality reproduction bags

      Material and Stitching

      Pay close attention to the materials used and the quality of the stitching. High-quality replicas often use genuine leather or premium synthetic alternatives and exhibit clean, precise stitching.

      Machinery & Information

      Check the components, including closures, buckles, and emblems. Top-notch replicas feature components that nearly mimics that of the original luxury bags, with zero rough edges or sloppily finished details.

      While imitation handbags can't lawfully utilize the precise trademark of the authentic ones, certain might feature subtle details that imitate the design features of high-end labels. Search for these features to assess the precision of the copy.Popular Replica Bag Brands

      Some brands are famous renowned for their high-quality replicas, providing style fans an varied selection of chic trendy options. In this section, we highlight a few of the most highly popular replica handbag names.

      AAA Purses is for producing creating some the top imitations available. Their products bags have remarkable focus to precision and quality, which makes them popular with replica fans.

      Purse Valley Bags Valley offers a wide variety of imitation bags, including styles influenced on top high-end brands. Focusing on excellence and superiority and client customer satisfaction, they have built a reputable reputation in the replica purse community.

      Discreet Designer Products focuses on making high-quality replicas which closely mimic the original items. Their collection lineup features purses of iconic designers, offering fashion aficionados with many plenty of options.

      The Art in Designing Imitation Purses

      Replica purses can seamlessly blend into any closet, allowing you to create elegant and trendy outfits. Following are some advice for adding fake purses into your wardrobe repertoire.Handling with Care

      Pairing with Traditional Attire

      A classic ensemble, such as a LBD or a fitted suit, can be enhanced with a well-chosen replica purse. Choose enduring patterns that match your outfit and add a dash of elegance.

      Combining Luxury plus Low Style

      Match top-notch replica bags together with affordable fashion articles to craft a well-rounded and trendy ensemble. This method allows you to showcase your taste while being budget-conscious.

      Adorning by Assurance

      When pairing fake purses, confidence is key. Handle your imitation handbag with equal care and respect as you would a genuine branded item, and it will elevate your complete look.

      Caring the Imitation Bag

      Proper care and upkeep are critical to keep your imitation purse being its optimal. Stick to these advice to guarantee its durability.

      Regular Cleaning

      Wipe your replica purse frequently with a soft rag and gentle detergent. Refrain from strong chemicals that can harm the fabric or shade.

      Keeping Hints

      Keep your fake bag in a moderate, dry location, not in immediate light. Utilize protective bags or gentle fabrics to shield it from dirt and scuffs.

      Treat the imitation bag with, avoiding rough surfaces and overloading. This can help preserve its shape and prevent any harm.

      Imitation bags offer an budget-friendly alternative for luxury brand items without having to compromising fashion and quality. By using proper styling & maintenance, they could seamlessly integrate into every fashion closet, making them a favored choice for fashion lovers. Whether you’re looking for a timeless look or the trendy statement-making piece, there's numerous reputable imitation bag brands which offer high-quality options to suit every preference. So feel free to include several chic replicas to your wardrobe - no one will be able to tell a difference.The Social Aspect of Replica Bags

      Treat your own imitation handbag with care, avoiding overloading it with heavy items. Doing so may help maintain the form and avoid wear & tearing.

      Fake handbags are just about style; these additionally encourage a feeling regarding community amongst enthusiasts. Here, you examine the social aspects of owning as well as discussing fake handbags.Online Communities

      Several digital communities and discussion boards are devoted to replica purses, in which fans exchange advice, evaluations, and tips. These websites offer helpful insight & assistance to those entering the imitation market.In-Person Meetups

      Certain imitation handbag lovers arrange face-to-face meetups to showcase their own collections and discuss their love for fashion. Such meetings offer opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and exchange thoughts.Influencers and Reviews

      Influencers as well as influencers often review fake bags, providing genuine opinions and contrasts with genuine brand-name items. Following these reviews can help one make well-informed decisions about your purchases.Legal and Ethical Considerations

      Understanding the lawful as well as ethical aspects of acquiring fake purses is vital for making educated selections. Here, we tackle some common concerns.Intellectual Property Rights

      Fake handbags may breach upon the proprietary ownership rights of premium companies. Be aware of the lawful repercussions and potential risks linked to purchasing and owning replicas.Ethical Shopping

      Consider the moral consequences of supporting the replica bag market. Although it offers cheap options, it may also lead to exploitative work conditions and environmental concerns.Making Informed Choices

      Forthcoming Trends regarding Knockoff Handbags

      The replica handbag sector is continuously constantly changing, featuring new styles and advancements arising. In this article, we explore some potential future developments.

      Eco-friendly ComponentsConclusion

      Since environmental responsibility turns into a growing issue, the copy purse field may transition to using eco-friendly resources. This shift might draw to green-minded customers and reduce the field's environmental impact.

      Cutting-edge Technology

      Developments in technology, for example additive manufacturing, might transform the manufacturing of replica handbags. These developments could lead to even better copies that are hard to tell apart from the originals.

      Shifting Buyer Attitudes

      Buyer views towards copy bags might keep to shift, with increased approval and recognition for high-quality replicas. This change might increase need and influence field movements.

      Replica bags offer a stylish and affordable alternative for fashion enthusiasts and luxury lovers. By understanding the intricacies of the replica bag market, you can make informed choices and enjoy the benefits of high-quality imitations. Whether you're drawn to the affordability, variety, or the ability to experiment with different styles, replica bags provide a gateway to the world of luxury fashion.

      Ready to explore the world of replica bags? Join our community of fashion enthusiasts and start your stylish journey today!
    6. Douglasblume

      Douglasblume Member

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      For people who admire the attraction of luxury bags but shudder at the exorbitant price, imitation purses offer an enticing choice. This write-up explores the intricacies of the replica purse sector, highlighting its appeal to fashion aficionados and designer lovers alike. From understanding what replica handbags are to suggestions for executing smart purchases, we'll explore all you require to understand to revel in elegance without busting the budget.
      Imitation handbags are high-quality imitations resembling luxury handbags, designed to closely resemble the authentic versions. While they may not carry an official label name, such imitations typically reflect the style, fabric, and craftsmanship of their more expensive originals.
      Quality & Artistry

      Opposite in common belief, numerous fake handbags are being created with careful attention to detail. Expert artisans utilize premium resources to guarantee that the fakes have a similar look as well as feel as the original luxury items.

      Availability and Variety

      of. access.Ethical Considerations

      Although knockoff bags provide a affordable way to experience high-end fashion, it is important to recognize acknowledge the ethical implications. The production and of replica purses might breach against IP property, bringing up issues regarding the morality of purchasing and owning owning them.Access to Luxury Designs

      Why Choose Fake Bags?

      Replica bags have a notable fan base within fashion enthusiasts enthusiasts for various several convincing reasons. Below, we discuss why these these stylish choices have grown so popular popular.


      Among the most clear pros of fake replica bags is their affordability. Premium fakes can give the same equivalent aesthetic satisfaction as authentic authentic high-end purses without the the exorbitant high price.

      Imitation purses enable this possible for style lovers toward appreciate the latest luxury designs, regardless to financial restrictions. Such availability permits additional people to engage in haute couture to showcase one's fashion.Experimentation Without Commitment

      For those who enjoy experimenting trying out various fashion styles, replica bags offer a way new trends trends significant monetary commitment. This versatility is especially attractive for fashion-forward individuals individuals who love their their looks.How recognize Identify the High-Quality Imitation Bagplica bags.

      Exploring this replica handbag market can be challenging, but armed with proper right knowledge, one will easily make smart buys. Below are some suggestions for spotting high-quality reproduction bags

      Material and Stitching

      Pay close attention to the materials used and the quality of the stitching. High-quality replicas often use genuine leather or premium synthetic alternatives and exhibit clean, precise stitching.

      Machinery & Information

      Check the components, like zippers, clips, and brand marks. Top-notch copies feature hardware that closely mimics that of the genuine brand-name bags, with zero rough edges or poorly finished aspects.

      While replica handbags cannot lawfully employ the exact trademark of the authentic ones, some may include minor markings that copy the design aspects of high-end labels. Check for these details to assess the authenticity of the copy.Popular Replica Bag Brands

      Specific brands are renowned for their top-quality imitations, offering clothing aficionados an wide range of chic fashionable choices. Here showcase some of the best most well-liked replica bag names.

      AAA Handbags is recognized for producing producing some of the highest quality replicas on the market. Their products bags have exceptional care to meticulousness and quality, which makes them them with imitation enthusiasts.

      Purse Valley Products offers a wide range of replica purses, like designs influenced by top high-end brands. With a focus on quality and quality and client shopper contentment, they have established established a solid reputation within the copy bag industry.

      Designer Discreet Products focuses on creating top-notch copies that nearly imitate the originals. Their range features bags from iconic fashion houses, giving clothing fans with many many selections.

      The Craft in Designing Imitation Purses

      Fake bags can seamlessly blend into any wardrobe, letting you to craft chic and stylish ensembles. Following are some hints for adding imitation purses into your wardrobe repertoire.Handling with Care

      Matching alongside Timeless Outfits

      A classic attire, such as a little black dress or a tailored outfit, can be improved with a thoughtfully picked imitation handbag. Opt for enduring patterns that match your ensemble and add a dash of class.

      Combining Haute plus Street Fashion

      Combine high-quality replica handbags with budget-friendly style items to compose a well-rounded and stylish ensemble. This strategy permits you to display your taste at the same time being budget-conscious.

      Adorning by Assurance

      When pairing imitation bags, assurance is key. Handle your imitation purse with the same attention and pride as you would a original branded piece, and it will boost your overall appearance.

      Maintaining your Imitation Bag

      Proper care and maintenance are necessary to keep your replica bag appearing its finest. Stick to these hints to maintain its lifespan.

      Routine Tidying

      Wipe your fake handbag frequently with a soft cloth and soft cleaning solution. Avoid strong cleaners that can harm the fabric or hue.

      Saving Suggestions

      Store your imitation purse in a moderate, dry area, not in direct sun. Use dust covers or mild cloths to safeguard it from dirt and abrasions.

      Treat your replica bag with, avoiding rough areas as well as overstuffing. It can assist maintain its shape while also preventing any harm.

      Replica purses provide a affordable option for luxury brand pieces without having to compromising style or quality. With proper fashion styling and care, they could effortlessly blend into every fashion closet, which makes them a popular choice for style lovers. Regardless if you’re looking for a classic design or a trendy statement piece, there's many reputable replica bag brands that provide high-quality options which suit every taste. Therefore go ahead and add some stylish imitations into your own collection - none can notice a variation.The Social Aspect of Replica Bags

      Handle your replica purse with proper attention, by avoiding overburdening it with by weighty objects. This will help preserve the form & avoid wearing & tearing.

      Replica bags are just about style; these also encourage a sense regarding camaraderie among fans. Here, you examine the social elements of having and discussing fake bags.Online Communities

      Numerous digital groups and forums are dedicated to the topic of copy handbags, where enthusiasts exchange hints, reviews, and suggestions. Such websites provide useful insight and assistance for those entering the imitation market.In-Person Meetups

      Some imitation handbag enthusiasts arrange face-to-face meetups in order to showcase their own collections as well as discuss their love for fashion. These gatherings offer chances to connect with similar individuals and exchange thoughts.Influencers and Reviews

      Influencers as well as influencers frequently review fake handbags, providing honest feedback as well as contrasts with genuine designer pieces. Following these reviews could help you make informed decisions about one's buying.Legal and Ethical Considerations

      Grasping the statutory as well as moral aspects concerning buying fake purses is essential for making well-informed selections. Here, we tackle some common issues.Intellectual Property Rights

      Imitation bags might violate on the intellectual ownership assets of high-end labels. Be mindful of the juridical repercussions and potential hazards associated to acquiring and owning fakes.Ethical Shopping

      Think about the ethical implications of endorsing the replica bag industry. While it provides affordable options, it may also contribute to exploitative work conditions and ecological issues.Making Informed Choices

      Future Developments in Replica Bags

      The imitation handbag sector is continually changing, with novel trends and innovations arising. Here, we examine some possible future developments.

      Sustainable ResourcesConclusion

      As environmental responsibility turns into a rising concern, the imitation purse industry could transition in the direction of utilizing eco-friendly components. This change might draw to green-minded customers and decrease the sector's ecological footprint.

      State-of-the-art Innovation

      Advancements in tech, for example 3D printing, might transform the production of replica bags. These developments might result in even superior imitations that are difficult to tell apart from the real ones.

      Shifting Consumer Perspectives

      Customer views regarding replica handbags might continue to evolve, with more acceptance and appreciation for high-quality imitations. This shift could increase demand and affect sector trends.

      Replica bags offer a stylish and affordable alternative for fashion enthusiasts and luxury lovers. By understanding the intricacies of the replica bag market, you can make informed choices and enjoy the benefits of high-quality imitations. Whether you're drawn to the affordability, variety, or the ability to experiment with different styles, replica bags provide a gateway to the world of luxury fashion.

      Ready to explore the world of replica bags? Join our community of fashion enthusiasts and start your stylish journey today!

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